The Pug is a popular dog breed because it is sociable, curious, and can adapt easily to life in an apartment. While this breed is famous and easily recognizable, there are a few things that you probably didn’t know about them! Read on to discover some fun facts about the Pug.
1. Pugs are famous on screen
This dog breed has been very popular in films for years. We can find them in television programs, in iconic films, in series, and even in cartoons.
For example, in the film The adventures of Milo and Otis, a Japanese film that dates back to 1986, a kitten named Milo meets a Pug and they quickly become friends.
In 1995, a Pug appears in the film Pocahantas. The dog is named Percy and belonged to Governor John Ratcliffe.
In addition, a pug named “Frank the Pug” appeared in the film Men in Black in 1997.
Did you know that in the series ER, Doug Ross, who is played by George Clooney, had a little Pug?
In 2014, we see a Pug named Precious in the animated film The Nut Job.
In 2016, in the film The Secret Life of Pets, there is a Pug named Mel.
2. The Pug is an old breed
This breed is a very old breed, which is why there are many legends regarding this breed’s origin.
The most famous legend says that they came from China and that they were recognized 400 years before Jesus Christ. These dogs, named “lo-sze” lived with Buddhist monks in Tibetan monasteries.
There are several traces of the Pug in Chinese iconography in paintings and statuettes.
3. The Pug was created to be a lap dog
As explained earlier, Pugs generally lived with Tibetan monks.
Outside of monasteries, only the imperial family had the right to have Pugs as pets. At the time, Pugs were introduced as lap dogs who lived in the kingdom. These dogs escorted the emperor, his family, and different members of the court. They were very well-loved, notably by women, and accompanied them for all occasions, even for big performances.
Pugs were very respected dogs who were well-loved by Emperor Ling To. He loved these dogs so much that he asked the soldiers to feed these dogs the best food possible.
In addition, female Pugs at the time were considered to be at the same rank as the wives of the Emperor.
4. A group of 3 or more of them is called a grumble
There is a specific word to use when referring to a group of Pugs. If you are talking about a group of Pugs, you can say “a grumble of Pugs”.

5. The Pug is the official breed of the House of Orange
In 1572, the Dutch were at war against the Spanish, which was the famous Eighty Years’ War. William the Silent, who was the prince of Orange, led his troops on the battlefield to drive out the Spanish.
Legend has it that the prince slept in his tent with his Pug, Pompey. While the Spanish were hiding outside of the tent to assassinate the prince, Pompey barked wildly and jumped on the face of his owner to wake him up and save him before the attack.
That is how the Pug became of the official dog breed of the House of Orange. Above the tomb of William the Silent, there is a statue that depicts him with his loyal dog, Pompey, at his feet. With that being said, the face of the dog does not resemble that of a Pug, which brings up doubt when it comes to what dog breed Pompey really was.
6. Pugs are well-loved by celebrities
The Pug is a very popular dog among celebrities.
Among them, the singer Dalida, truly loved her dogs. Her first dog was given to her by Richard Chamfray, the count of Saint Germain. The Pug was named Gerda, short for Germain and Dalida. She then had other Pugs, Pacha and Vizir.
Eva Longoria, the famous actress who is notably known for playing in Desperate Housewives, adopted a black Pug named Popeye.
Jessica Alba also enjoyed wonderful years with her Pug named Sid. Unfortunately, Sid passed away in 2017, which the actress announced on her Instagram account at the same time as announcing her third pregnancy.
Many other celebrities have fallen for this small dog, such as the actress Tori Spelling, who played in Beverly Hills, 90210, had a Pug named Mimi LaRue. The celebrity Kelly Osbourne, who is an actress, singer, and host had a Pug named Prudence. And Mickey Rourke, had a Pug named Raphael.
7. Their tails can have two spirals
The Pug is known for its tail which forms a small spiral. Their tail is attached high and forms a tight spiral. Sometimes, these dogs can have a double spiral. These dogs are very sought after.
8. Their flat noses can cause them problems
As you know, the Pug has a small nose. This dangerously exposes their eyes. For example, it is easier for this dog to get dust in their eyes or other inappropriate elements. Therefore, you need to be careful, especially when your Pug sniffs the ground.
Additionally, the Pug is prone to respiratory problems, because of their flat muzzle. The more flat the muzzle is, the less exercise they can do. It’s best to avoid going out when it’s too hot or too cold.

9. A pug obtained an MBA
In 2009, a Pug named Chester received a diploma of higher education online through Rochville University.
His CV or Curriculum Vitae was downloaded online and he paid $500 to participate in the exam. A week later, the dog’s grades were sent in by mail. The grades were accompanied with the diploma and sticker from the school. While Chester did not go to any classes, he obtained a diploma with an “A” in Finances.
This unbelievable story was a stunt by the website, which had conducted a study to prevent fraud and expose unaccredited universities.
10. This dog was the symbol of a secret society
Around the 1740s, Roman Catholics formed a secret group that was called The Order of the Pug. At the time, the Pope had forbidden the union of Freemasons and Catholics in the same group, so they formed a secret society.
The group chose the Pug as their symbol because the breed symbolized loyalty and trust.
It appears that this confidential group had strange traditions such as kissing a porcelain Pug under the tail to prove their dedication to the group. They also wore dog collars and scratched at the door to enter.
11. Joséphine Bonaparte had a Pug
Napoleon’s wife, Joséphine de Beauharnais, had a pug who was extremely loyal. The nickname of the dog was Fortuné, this very affectionate dog was inseparable from the empress of France. So much so that on her wedding night, Joséphine brought her dog with her in her marital bed. That night, Fortuné bit Napoleon’s leg.
In addition, Joséphine’s brother, Lucien, brought up dozens of these dogs at the time.
12. Queen Victoria also had a Pug
She came to the throne in the 19th century, and lap dogs were very popular at the time. The queen really loved Pugs. Under her reign, the breed was finally recognized in England.
In 1861, for the first time, Pugs were presented at an exposition in the country of Queen Victoria.
Because Queen Victoria loved this breed so much, she decided to forbid the cutting of this breed’s ears.

13. The Pug can be different colors
The standard of the breed accepts three coat colors: silver, apricot, and black. Today, we can also find Pugs with silver, black, fawn, and even brindle coats which is more rare.
Lastly, the coat is always thick, shiny, and easy to groom.