Despite the size of the Miniature Pinscher, this dog breed is robust and energetic. They are also very gentle dogs …
The Alaskan Malamute is often confused with its cousin, the Siberian Husky. However, the Alaskan Malamute is a breed in …
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small and elegant dog breed. These dogs are particularly gentle, graceful, and joyful.
The Great Dane leaves no one unmoved: either it scares you with its size, or it immediately moves you with …
The Siberian is a large cat that originated in Russia. They are affectionate, playful, and easy-going furballs. They are the …
It's hard to resist the sweet eyes your cat makes when you're at the table. The problem is whether giving …
If your dog still drinks, but only very little, Letsgetpet shares a few helpful tips and habits to adopt to …
To ensure your dog's well-being, it's important visit the vet regularly. Letsgetpet is presenting 10 questions to ask your vet.
Diarrhea is a digestive issue characterized by soft or liquid stool. In this article, we provide advice to help you …
Successful cohabitation between a dog and adult cat means living peacefully together and being able to establish a friendly relationship.