While most dogs can handle the cold better than humans, it does not mean that they are not sensitive to it. This is especially the case in the winter. With that being said, not all dogs react in the same way when in the cold. For example, some dogs can be more sensitive than others, and this, due to many factors. Therefore, it is your job as a loving dog owner to do all that you can to ensure your dog is well-protected in the winter. In this Letsgetpet article, learn a few tips to protect your dog from the cold.
Which dog breeds are the most sensitive to the cold?
While dogs are naturally protected against the cold, not all dogs have the same resistance when faced with a drop in temperatures. Their sensitivity varies depending on several factors, such as the breed. The canine world is in fact characterized by a huge diversity in breeds, and each of them has a coat that is specific to them.
Given that the coat is the first element of protection that dogs have against the cold, long-haired dog breeds present the best resistance when faced with low temperatures. If they have thick fur that is made up of a topcoat and an undercoat, they are able to handle colder temperatures better. This is the case for dog breeds like the Caucasian Shepherd Dog or Tibetan Mastiff. These dogs are better protected against the cold than short-haired breeds like the Greyhound, Pitbull, or the Great Dane.
The lifestyle of your dog is another factor that influences the resistance your dog has against cold temperatures. If they spend a lot of time outside, they will naturally develop aptitudes that will allow them to better handle the cold. However, a dog that only goes outside for walks and prefers the comfort of their dog bed will be more sensitive to the drop in temperature.
A dog’s health condition and age can also make them more sensitive to the cold and more exposed to its negative consequences. Puppies need to benefit from better protection against the cold since they are more vulnerable than adult dogs. This is also the case for senior dogs that can have arthritis problems caused by the winter temperatures.

Protecting my dog from the cold: how do I do it?
The cold can have a negative impact on your furry friend’s body depending on the resistance that they have to it. In extreme cases, hypothermia can even cause death if the right precautions are not taken as winter approaches. Here are a few ways to protect your dog from the cold.
Protect your dog’s paw pads
In the winter, your dog may suffer from painful frostbite or lesions on their paw pads. As these parts of their paw pads are directly in contact with the ground, they can exposed to the negative effects of the cold, snow, and salt spread on the roads. Luckily, there are many ways to protect your little companion’s pads in winter. For example, there are booties that are specifically designed for dogs.
You should easily be able to find a pair that suits your dog’s paws at dedicated retail spaces. You can also ask for advice from your vet. This expert should be able to recommend creams or balms to prevent or treat lesions or frostbite on your dog’s paw pads.
These products need to be applied before going out with your dog in the winter. Applying these will form a protective layer that protects your dog’s paw pads from sand, snow, salt and cold. You should also inspect your dog’s paws after each outing to make sure there are no lesions. If there are, it is important to take steps to treat them as soon as possible to avoid the risk of infection.
Take precautions before going outside
It is necessary for dogs to go on walks outside. They need to do so to thrive. Therefore, you should not stop going out for walks with your dog to protect them from the cold. It is, however, possible to take precautions so that they do not suffer from the low temperatures of the winter when you are outside.
Thermal shock makes dogs suffer. To avoid making your dog go through this by passing from inside to outside, it is recommended to plan a transition phase. You can, for example, put them in a room that is a bit less warm (garage or basement) inside of your house for a few minutes before heading outside.
This will help them more easily get used to the variations in temperature. It is also possible to make your dog wear a dog vest for your outings. If you decide to do this, search for clothing that is suitable for their size to avoid bothering their movements during walks.
Get your dog to exercise more in cold weather
One of the best ways to protect yourself from the cold is to maintain body heat by being active. This is just as much the case for humans as it is for dogs. During your walks in the winter, you need to encourage your pet to use exercise more than usual.
Make them run by organizing attractive games during each daily outing. You can, for example, throw objects that they can fetch for you by running. Reward them during these exercises so that they will put even more effort in. Encourage your dog to use up energy during their walks in the winter will protect them not only from the cold, but will also have beneficial effects on their health.
A diet to protect your dog from the cold
Your dog will need more energy to go against the winter cold, especially if they are active and go out a lot. We recommend adapting their diet in the winter so that they can have better protection from the low temperatures. This adaptation needs to be both qualitative and quantitative to fulfill the needs of your furry friend.
However, not all dogs need to have their daily ration increased. If your dog does not get a lot of exercise, the increase in this can cause them to gain weight. Remember that the nutritional content is the most important aspect. During cold periods, your dog’s diet needs to be rich and have healthy fats, proteins and vitamins.
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Adapt your dog’s shelter for the winter
If your dog lives outside your home in an outdoor shelter, make sure it’s well protected from the cold. As winter approaches, you can start work on ways to optimize the thermal insulation of your furry friend’s shelter. For example, you can opt for PVC or wooden covers to insulate the shelter. When it comes to the floor, an insulating plate can be installed to maintain a comfortable ambient temperature inside.
Given that the shelter is found outside, they are exposed to harsh weather conditions (rain, hail, snow) in the winter. You need to make sure that the roofing is in good condition to ensure the protection of your dog against these. The opening of the shelter should not be exposed to air currents. Therefore, if you need to, move the shelter to protect your pet against the cold well.
What are the signs that show that your dog is cold?
A dog that is cold can present several visible signs. They can tremble or shiver, a frequent indicator discomfort caused by drops in the temperature. You will probably notice that they adopt a curled-up position to conserve their body heat, by placing their tail or their paws under their body.
The ears and the end of the muzzle can become cold to the touch. This is a sign of a drop in body temperature. Your dog can appear lethargic, avoiding movements or searching for warm areas, like a carpet, a bed, or stay close if they are cold.
Some dogs may whimper or appear anxious. If you notice that your dog is reluctant to go outside, or returns quickly from the outdoors, this may also indicate that he’s feeling the cold. So keep an eye on these signs, especially if your pet belongs to a short-haired or shorthaired breed, so you can react as soon as possible to avoid hypothermia.
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