How can I tell if my cat is happy?

How to know if your cat is happy

While some cat breeds are less expressive than others, there are a few common signs that you can look out for to see if your cat is happy. In this article, we will take a look at a few of them.

Behavioral signs

Here are a few behaviorial signs that show that your cat is happy.

Healthy appetite

Keeping an eye on your pet’s appetite is an excellent way to determine if your furry friend is happy or not. For instance, cats who eat their daily portion without demanding more or pouting are healthy pets. Conversely, cats who suddenly demand more may be eating to compensate for their boredom, sadness, or pain. It’s important to take into account, though, that cats are generally picky eaters.

The same goes for cats who do not eat enough. Cats who gradually or suddenly stop eating are usually unhappy or sick. However, it’s also important to take into account that any change in their diet can affect their behavior. When observing your cat’s behavior, determine whether or not it’s because they are being fed a new type of kibble or wet food, for example.


Cats are naturally playful animals, especially when they are young. A cat that spends time playing with its toys is most likely a healthy cat. When cats suddenly change their behavior, this might be showing that your cat isn’t feeling very well.

Keep in mind that cats who are over 10 years old will have less energy to expend than kittens. In addition, they may have joint pain that may be limiting their activities.

Decreased playtime and sadness are not always linked. This is because cats sleep on average between 13 and 16 hours a day. They are typically more active at night. For example, cat owners may believe that their cat sleeps a lot and is not very active, when in reality, their cat is spending all night playing and all day resting.

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As particularly clean animals, cats like to groom themselves several times a day. A healthy and happy cat will spend parts of its day licking its coat. If your cat stops caring for their fur, it’s important to keep an eye on them. This reaction may be related to a joint problem. For example, your cat maybe have a hard time reaching certain areas of their body. Another reason your cat may not be grooming themselves might be because their coat has been soiled by something that they don’t want to lick.

On the other hand, when a cat washes itself excessively, it may be a sign that it has fleas. It is therefore recommended to take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

How can I tell if my cat is happy

Signs of affection

Your cat’s affection for you can also indicate your cat’s well-being.


A cuddly cat is a happy cat who feels confident with their family. When cats rub themselves against their owner’s legs, it shows their tenderness and happiness. The same is also true when cats start to purr when you pet them. When cats meow and nudge their head, they are happy. Additionally, when a cat licks its owner as if it were grooming them, this also shows that it is feeling good. However, a sudden excess of affection and frequent requests for petting can be signs of health issues or a presence of parasites.

Affectionate behavior

When you come home and your cat comes to you with their tail in an L-shape, it means that they are happy to see you. If they are also meowing, their excitement to see you is even greater. When cats are relaxed, happy ones usually look serenely at their owners. Some even come and lie down next to them or take a nap on their lap.

A cat that lies on its back and shows its belly to its owner is also a happy and confident pet. The stomach is a very vulnerable part of a cat’s body. If they are willing to show it, it means that they are relaxed.

With all that being said, when a cat becomes too insistent with its affetionate behavior, this might be indicating they it is afraid of something.

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Cats can sometimes bring gifts to their owners. Since cats are hunters, when given the opportunity, they will bring home their prey. Although domestic cats rarely eat the mice and birds they catch, they do take great pride in showing off their hunting skills to their families.

Cats may also bring you other gifts such as slippers or toys. When cats bring over these types of gifts, it usually means that they want to play or that it’s time to go to bed.

Is my cat happy?

Although cat does not express their feelings through words, their behavior can show whether they are happy or unhappy. Regardless of the breed, by carefully observing your pet over a period of a few days, it is possible to start to understand how they are feeling. You might learn that your can seems happier when they are playing with you or spending time next to you. In that case, take the time to give them attention.

Their affection depends largely on the behavior of their owners. Owners must also show signs of affection to their pets. For example, you can purchase a new toy or spend time playing or cuddling with them.

Lastly, like us, cats can have days when their morale is low. If they are less energetic from time to time, it is not necessarily something to worry about. With that being said, if you see that your cat is rarely showing signs of happiness, it’s best to make an appointment with a vet to check if they are having any health issues.

When our cats are happy, we are happy too.