
The Persian is one of the most popular cat breeds in many countries. It is a medium-sized cat breed that measures about 30 cm at the withers and weighs between 3 and 6 kilos (6 to 13 pounds). With that being said, the weight can vary depending on the gender of the cat. This cat breed’s life expectancy is between 12 and 15 years.

Fun fact: the Persian is one of the oldest cat breeds.

Regarding the breed’s personality, it is known to be calm, gentle, sociable and peaceful. However, it can sometimes get a little lonely. They enjoy cuddles when it is their choice to do so.

The breed has long and fine hairs that require daily maintenance. Unfortunately, the Persian’s health is fragile. This is, in particular, because of its crushed nose which makes it sensitive to respiratory infections. Its eyes and ears should also to be watched.


Persian cat

The Persian cat is calm, gentle, sociable, and peaceful. In this article, discover the Persian cat’s origins, physical characteristics, and …