
Ragdolls got their name from their behavior when being picked up. They relax completely, so much so that it makes you feel as though you are holding a stuffed animal.

Today, this feline is well established in North America and Europe and is extremely popular. In the United States, it was one of the first breeds registered in the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). In the United Kingdom, where it represents 15% of the cat population, it occupies 2nd place in the CFA ranking with about 3000 births per year.

The Ragdoll is a large cat with an outstanding and powerful appearance. With that being said, it has a very slow growth rate. It doesn’t reach maturity until it reaches four years of age.

Although it has long hair, it is not difficult to groom the Ragdoll. Weekly brushing is sufficient to remove dead hairs. Due to the length of its coat, knots often form. Brushing helps to remove them. You can brush the Ragdoll more frequently during molting periods in the spring and fall.


The Ragdoll is a very gentle and docile cat breed. These cats truly enjoy playing with children. Read on to …